(too old to reply)
2003-12-16 16:43:26 UTC


To The Members Of The U.S. House Of Representatives

The undersigned American academicians who specialize in Turkish, Ottoman
and Middle Eastern Studies are concerned that the current language
embodied in House Joint Resolution 192 is misleading and/or inaccurate in
several respects.

Specifically, while fully supporting the concept of a "National Day of
Remembrance of Man's Inhumanity to Man," we respectfully take exception to
that portion of the text which singles out for special recognition:

". . . the one and one half million people of Armenian ancestry who were
victims of genocide perpetrated in Turkey between 1915 and 1923 . . .."

Our reservations focus on the use of the words "Turkey" and "genocide" and
may be summarized as follows:

From the fourteenth century until 1922, the area currently known as
Turkey, or more correctly, the Republic of Turkey, was part of the
territory encompassing the multinational, multi-religious state known as
the Ottoman Empire. It is wrong to equate the Ottoman Empire with the
Republic of Turkey in the same way that it is wrong to equate the Hapsburg
Empire with the Republic of Austria. The Ottoman Empire, which was brought
to an end in 1922, by the successful conclusion of the Turkish Revolution
which established the present day Republic of Turkey in 1923, incorporated
lands and people which today account for more than twenty-five distinct
countries in Southeastern Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, only
one of which is the Republic of Turkey. The Republic of Turkey bears no
responsibility for any events which occurred in Ottoman times, yet by
naming 'Turkey' in the Resolution, its authors have implicitly labeled it
as guilty of "genocide" it charges transpired between 1915 and 1923;

As for the charge of "genocide," no signatory of this statement wishes to
minimize the scope of Armenian suffering. We are likewise cognizant that
it cannot be viewed as separate from the suffering experienced by the
Muslim inhabitants of the region. The weight of evidence so far uncovered
points in the direction of serious inter communal warfare (perpetrated by
Muslim and Christian irregular forces), complicated by disease, famine,
suffering and massacres in Anatolia and adjoining areas during the First
World War. Indeed, throughout the years in question, the region was the
scene of more or less continuous warfare, not unlike the tragedy which has
gone on in Lebanon for the past decade. The resulting death toll among
both Muslim and Christian communities of the region was immense. But much
more remains to be discovered before historians will be able to sort out
precisely responsibility between warring and innocent, and to identify the
causes for the events which resulted in the death or removal of large
numbers of the eastern Anatolian population, Christian and Muslim alike.

Statesmen and politicians make history, and scholars write it. For this
process to work scholars must be given access to the written records of
the statesmen and politicians of the past. To date, the relevant archives
in the Soviet Union, Syria, Bulgaria and Turkey all remain, for the most
part, closed to dispassionate historians. Until they become available, the
history of the Ottoman Empire in the period encompassed by H.J. Res. 192
(1915-1923) cannot be adequately known. We believe that the proper
position for the United States Congress to take on this and related issues
is to encourage full and open access to all historical archives and not to
make charges on historical events before they are fully understood. Such
charges as those contained H.J. Res. 192 would inevitably reflect unjustly
upon the people of Turkey and perhaps set back irreparably progress
historians are just now beginning to achieve in understanding these tragic

As the above comments illustrate, the history of the Ottoman-Armenians is
much debated among scholars, many of whom do not agree with the historical
assumptions embodied in the wording of H.J. Res. 192. By passing the
resolution Congress will be attempting to determine by legislation which
side of the historical question is correct. Such a resolution, based on
historically questionable assumptions, can only damage the cause of honest
historical inquiry, and damage the credibility of the American legislative

RIFAAT ABOU-EL-HAJ, Professor of History, California State University at
Long Beach

RODERIC DAVISON, Professor of History, George Washington University

SARAH MOMENT ATIS, Professor of Turkish Language & Literature, University
of Wisconsin at Madison

WALTER DENNY, Professor of Art History Associate & Near Eastern Studies
,University of Massachusetts

KARL BARBIR, Associate Professor of History, Siena College (New York)

DR. ALAN DUBEN, Anthropologist, Researcher, New York City

ILHAN BASGOZ, Director of the Turkish Studies Program at the Department of
Ural-Altaic Studies, Indiana University

ELLEN ERVIN, Research Assistant Professor of Turkish, New York University

DANIEL G. BATES, Professor of Anthropology, Hunter College, City
University of New York

CAESAR FARAH, Professor of Islamic & Middle Eastern History, University of

ULKU BATES, Professor of Art History, Hunter College, City University of
New York

CARTER FINDLEY, Associate Professor of History, The Ohio State University

GUSTAV BAYERLE, Professor of Uralic & Altaic Studies, Indiana University

MICHAEL FINEFROCK, Professor of History, College of Charleston

ANDREAS G. E. BODROGLIGETTI, Professor of Turkic & Iranian languages,
University of California at Los Angeles

ALAN FISHER, Professor of History, Michigan State University

KATHLEEN BURRILL, Associate Professor of Turkish Studies, Columbia

CORNELL FLEISCHER, Assistant Professor of History, Washington University

TIMOTHY CHILDS, Professorial Lecturer at SAIS, Johns Hopkins University

PETER GOLDEN, Professor of History, Rutgers University, Newark

SHAFIGA DAULET, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of

TOM GOODRICH, Professor of History, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

JUSTIN McCARTHY, Associate Professor of History, University of Louisville

ANDREW COULD, Ph.D. in Ottoman History, Flagstaff, Arizona

JON MANDAVILLE, Professor of the History of the Middle East, Portland
State University (Oregon)

MICHAEL MEEKER, Professor of Anthropology, University of California at San

RHOADS MURPHEY, Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern Languages, Cultures
& History, Columbia University

THOMAS NAFF, Professor of History & Director, Middle East Research
Institute University of Pennsylvania

PIERRE OBERLING, Professor of History, Hunter College of the City
University of New York

WILLIAM OCHSENWALD, Associate Professor of History, Virginia Polytechnic

ROBERT OLSON, Associate Professor of History, University of Kentucky

WILLIAM PEACHY, Assistant Professor of the Judaic, Near Eastern Languages
& Literatures, The Ohio State University

DONALD QUATAERT, Associate Professor of History, University of Houston

HOWARD REED, Professor of History, University of Connecticut

WILLIAM GRISWOLD, Professor of History, Colorado State University

TIBOR HALASI-KUN, Professor Emeritus of Turkish Studies, Columbia

WILLIAM HICKMAN, Associate Professor of Turkish, University of California,

J. C. HUREWITZ, Professor of Government, Emeritus Former Director of the
Middle East Institute (1971-1984), Columbia University

JOHN HYMES, Professor of History, Glenville State College, West Virginia

HALIL INALCIK University Professor of Ottoman History, Member of the
American Academy of Arts & Sciences, University of Chicago

RALPH JAECKEL, Visiting Assistant Professor of Turkish, University of
California at Los Angeles

RONALD JENNINGS, Associate Professor of History & Asian Studies,
University of Illinois

JAMES KELLY, Associate Professor of Turkish, University of Utah

KERIM KEY, Adjunct Professor, Southeastern University, Washington, D.C.

DANKWART RUSTOW, Distinguished University Professor of Political Science,
City University, Graduate School, New York

ELAINE SMITH, Ph.D. in Turkish History, Retired Foreign Service Officer,
Washington, D·C·

STANFORD SHAW, Professor of History, University of California at Los

EZEL KURAL SHAW, Associate Professor of History, California State
University, Northridge

METIN KUNT, Professor of Ottoman History, New York City

FREDERICK LATIMER, Associate Professor of History Retired, University of

AVIGDOR LEVY, Professor of History, Brandeis University

BERNARD LEWIS, Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern History,
Princeton University

DR. HEATH W. LOWRY, Institute of Turkish Studies Inc. , Washington, D.C.

GRACE M. SMITH, Visiting Lecturer in Turkish, University of California at

JOHN MASSON SMITH, JR. , Professor of History, University of California at

DR. SVAT SOUCEK, Turcologist, New York City

ROBERT STAAB, Assistant Director of the Middle East Center, University of

JUNE STARR, Associate Professor of Anthropology, SUNY Stony Brook

JAMES STEWART-ROBINSON, Professor of Turkish Studies, University of

DR. PHILIP STODDARD, Executive Director, Middle East Institute,
Washington, D.C.

FRANK TACHAU, Professor of Political Science, University of Illinois at

METIN TAMKOC, Professor of International Law and Regulations, Texas Tech

DAVID THOMAS, Associate Professor of History, Rhode Island College

MARGARET L. VENZKE, Assistant Professor of History, Dickinson College

WARREN S. WALKER, Home Professor of English & Director of the Archive of
Turkish Oral Narrative, Texas Tech University

DONALD WEBSTER, Professor of Turkish History, Retired

WALTER WEIKER, Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University

JOHN WOODS, Associate Professor of Middle Eastern History, University of

MADELINE ZILFI, Associate Professor of History, University of Maryland


Mehmet Aça, Dr., College of Sciences and Literature, Balikesir University,
Balikesir, Turkey

Ahmet Hadi Adanali, Assistant Professor, Divinity School, Ankara
University, Ankara, Turkey

Gülsen Akdogan, Ph.D., Department of Instrumentation, Erciyes University,
Kayseri, Turkey

Yavuz Akpinar, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Education and
Educational Technologies, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

Tunç Aldemir, Professor, Nuclear Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio

Sefik Sanal Alkan, Adjunct Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics and
Microbiology, UMDNJ, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, New

Novruz Allahverdi, Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and
Computer Education, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey

Cem Alptekin, Professor and Dean, School of Education, Bogaziçi
University, Istanbul, Turkey

Hilal Altinöz, M.D., Physician of Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care,
SSK Süreyyapasa Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Diseases Center, Istanbul,

Cezmi Akdis, M.D., Professor, Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma
Research, Davos, Switzerland

Mübeccel Akdis, M.D., Ph.D., Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma
Research, Davos, Switzerland

Halil Akkanat, Dr., College of Law, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey

Sener Akyol, Professor, College of Law, Istanbul University, Istanbul,

Mushfiq Aleskerli, Researcher, Literature, Baku State University, Baku,

Elmeddin Alibeyzade, Doctor, Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku,

Ethem Alpaydin , Associate Professor of Computer Engineering, Bogaziçi
University, Istanbul, Turkey

Cevdet Emre Alper, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Bogaziçi
University, Istanbul, Turkey

Kadir Murat Altintas, Ph.D. , Vocational School , Çankaya University,
Ankara, Turkey

Musa H. Asyali, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey

O. Yavuz Ataman , Professor, Department of Chemistry, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Mehmet Atlar, Dr., Senior Lecturer and Director o Cavitation Tunnel,
Department of Marine Technology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United

Ali Ayata, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College, S. Demirel
University, Isparta, Turkey

Kemal Aydin, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Selçuk University at
Alaaddin Keykubad, Konya, Turkey

Osman Balci, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, Virginia

Nuri Basoglu, Assistant Professor, Department of Management and
Information Systems, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

Coskun Bayrak, Associate Professor, Computer Science Department ,
University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, Arkansas

Sema Bayraktar, Ph.D., Research Scientist, College of Business, Karaelmas
University, Zonguldak, Turkey

Ugur Baysal, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

Hikmet Basmak, Associate Professor, Medical College, Osmangazi University,
Eskisehir, Turkey

Sevda Bekman, Prof essor, College of Education, Bogaziçi University,
Istanbul, Turkey

Güzin Binatli Bulak, Dr. , Department of Turkish Language, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Kaya Büyükataman, Dr., Adjunct Lecturer; President, Turkish Forum, East
Hartford, Connecticut

Salih Cengiz, Professor of Biochemical Toxicology, Institute of Forensic
Sciences, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey

Mehmet Çamurdan, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bogaziçi
University, Turkey

Gürbüz Çelebi, Professor, Department of Biophysics, Medical School, Ege
University, Izmir, Turkey

A. Enis Çetin, Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

Fevzi Daldal, Professor, Department of Biology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Yasar Demirel, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals , Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Melek Demirhan, Associate Professor, Department of Systems Engineering,
Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey

A.Eren Dogan, Research Scientist, Department of Economics, Social Sciences
Institute, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

Zekiye Dogan, Instructor, Department of Computer and Instructional
Technologies, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey

Fatih Dogan, Magister Legum (LL.M-Freiburg) , International Trade Law,
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet-Freiburg, Germany

M. Kerem Doksat, Professor of Psychiatry, Cerrahpasa Medical School,
Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey

Yener S. Erozan, Professor, Department of Pathology, School of Medicine,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

Tuba Turan Ertas, Adjunct Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
San Diego State University, San Diego, California

Duygu Erten , Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering , University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

Ferhan Esen, Assistant Professor, Department of Biophysics, Medical
College, Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey

Hamza Esen, Professor, Department of Biophysics, Medical College,
Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey

Ismail Ilkin Esen, Professor of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering
and Petroleum , Kuwait University, Kuwait

Süleyman Gökoglu, Ph.D. , Senior Research Scientist , NASA Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Nihat Bülent Gültekin, Associate Professor of Finance, Finance Department,
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Harun Güngör, Professor, College of Theology, Erciyes University, Kayseri,

Turgut M. Gür, Ph.D., Technical Director, Geballe Laboratory for Advanced
Materials , Stanford University, Palo Alto, California

Azmi Güran, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Baden, Switzerland

Melike Baykal Gürsoy, Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering,
Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey

Olgun Güven, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Hacettepe University,
Ankara, Turkey

Ziya B. Güvenç, Associate Professor, Associate Dean, Department of
Computer Engineering, Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey

Ibrahim H. Güzelbey, Associate Professor and Head of Mechanics Division,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Gaziantep; also
Director of Gaziantep Vocational School of Higher Education, Gaziantep,

Azer H. Hasret, Researcher, Turkish Mythology, Academy of Sciences of
Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan

Ilhan Helvaci, Assistant Professor, College of Law, Istanbul University,
Istanbul, Turkey

Ayla Imre, Adjunct Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, University of
Colorado at Denver, Denver, Colorado

Ihsan Inan, M.D., Surgeon, Department of Digestive Surgery, Geneva
University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland

Ümran S. Inan, Professor of Electrical Engineering; Director, Space,
Telecommunications and Radioscience (STAR) Laboratory, Stanford
University, Stanford, Palo Alto, California

Ayhan Istanbullu, Research Scientist, College of Technical Education,
Dumlupinar University, Simav, Turkey

Ahmet Karagözoglu, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Hofstra
University, Hempstead, New York

Beyhan Karahan, Associate Professor, School of Architecture and Design,
New York Institute of Technology, New York City

Bekir Karlik , Associate Professor, International Computing Institute, Ege
University, Izmir, Turkey

Can Ömer Kalayci M.D. , Visiting Scientist, Brigham and Women's Hospital,
Pulmonary Critical Care Division, Harvard University, Boston,

Melih Karakuzu, Assistant Professor, College of Education, Atatürk
University, Erzurum, Turkey

Mustafa Keskin, Professor, Department of Physics, Erciyes University,
Kayseri, Turkey

Serpil Kislalioglu, Professor, College of Pharmacy, The University of
Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island

Cihat Küçükhüseyin, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Cerrahpasa
College of Medicine, University of Istanbul,Turkey

Ali R. Köymen, Professor of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington,
Arlington, Texas

Oya Levendoglu-Tugal, Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, New York
Medical College, Valhalla, New York

Tülin Mangir, Professor, Computer and Network Engineering and Technology,
California State University, Long Beach, California

O. Nalcioglu, Director, Health Sciences Research Imaging Center; Vice
Chairman of Research, Department of Radiological Sciences; Professor of
Medicine, Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Physics,
University of California , Irvine, California

Aysen Gürcan Namlu, Assistant Professor, Computer Education and
Instructional Technologies Department, Anadolu University, Eskisehir,

Ömer Faruk Noyan, Assistant Professor of Geology, College of Engineering,
Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey

Yildirim Omurtag, Founding Dean, School of Engineering, Mathematics and
Science, Robert Morris College, Moon Township, Pennsylavania

Ercan Öngör, Professor and Head of Retinal Diseases, Çapa Medical College,
Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey

Hayrani Öz, Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Aviation,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Hitay Özbay, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Faruk Özcan, Professor, Department of Urology, Medical School, Istanbul
University, Istanbul, Turkey

Erdal Özkan, Professor, College of Agriculture, Food Sciences and
Environmental Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Erdal Özkan, Associate Professor, Petroleum Engineering Department,
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado

I. Resat Özkan, Professor Emeritus, Department of Naval and Ocean
Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Ümit Özkan, Professor and Associate Dean, College of Engineering, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, Ohio

Talat Özpozan, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Erciyes
University, Kayseri, Turkey

Tunç Koray Palazoglu, Ph.D. , Department of Food Science, North Carolina
State University, Raleigh, North Carolina

Recai Peçen, Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator,
Electro-Mechanical Systems, College of Natural Sciences, The University of
Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa

Dogan Perinçek, Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental
Sciences, Kuwait University, Kuwait

Manaf Sababi, Ph.D. , Research Scientist, Discovery DMPK , Astrazeneca AB,
Lund, Sweden

Ayse Saktanber, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Hasan Sevim, Associate Dean and Professor, College of Engineering ,
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois

Sahin A. Sirmali, Professor of Embryology, Medical College, Uludag
University, Bursa, Turkey

Selçuk Somer, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering , Yildiz
Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Aydin K. Sunol, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University
of South Florida Tampa, Florida

Ferat Sahin, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department,
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York

Nurettin Simsek, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Education and
Instructional Technologies, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

Sibel Tanberk, Associate Professor, College of Business, Bogaziçi
University, Istanbul, Turkey

Ercüment Tarcan, M. D., Head of 1st General Surgery Division, Atatürk
Educational and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey

Ömer Tarim, Professor and Director of Pediatric Endocrinology, College of
Medicine, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey

Mehmet Aziz Tayfun, Professor of Coastal and Ocean Engineering, College of
Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University, Kuwait

Tarik Tihan, Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, The
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

Mehmet Tomanbay, Professor, Department of Economics, Gazi University,
Ankara, Turkey

Cevat Tosun, Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Professor, School of Health,
Physical Education and Leisure Services, The University of Northern Iowa;
also, Associate Professor and Director of School of Tourism and Hotel
Management, Mustafa Kemal University, Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey.

Murat Tunç, Assistant Professor, Düzce Medical School, Abant Izzet Baysal
University, Bolu, Turkey

Aydin S. Tunçbilek, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Erciyes
University, Kayseri, Turkey

Aslihan Turhan, Postdoctoral Fellow, Hematology, Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, New York

Emin G. Türker, Dean, Engineering and Technology, Lakeland Community
College, Kirtland, Ohio

Fuat Ulus, M.D., Former Field Associate Professor, Medical School,
Department of Psychiatry (1978-83), University of South Dakota

Ömer Usta, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Istanbul
Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Cem Ünsal, Project Scientist, Institute for Complex Engineered Systems,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Bahri Üstünsöz, Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Health
Sciences Center, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, Louisiana

Hüseyin Vural, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle
East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Yavuz Yaman, Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Middle
East Technical University, Ankara

Tuncel M. Yegülalp, Professor of Mining, Henry Krumb School of Mines,
Columbia University, New York

Müfit Cemal Yenen, Assistant Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics, GATA
School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey; Visiting Professor, Hopital Edouard
Herriot , Departement de Gynecologie, Lyon, France

Metin Yersel , Professor of Physics, Department of Natural Sciences,
Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, Vermont

Hasan Yetim, Associate Professor, Department of Food Sciences and
Engineering, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey

Okan Yilankaya, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, The
University of British Columbia, Canada

Bayram Yilmaz, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental
Health and Toxicology, State University of New York at Albany, Rensselaer,
New York

Ugur Yücelt, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, School of
Business Administration, Penn State-Harrisburg, Middletown, Pennsylvania

Emrehan Zeybekoglu, Assistant Professor, The School of Foreign Languages,
Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
2003-12-16 18:14:04 UTC
faulty nutter belongs to turkish fascistic propaganda gang that spreads
lies on usenet about countries like Greece, Armenia, Kurdistan, Europe.
His turkish propaganda is based on fascistic Kemalist revisionism. The
articles he posts are mostly made up by "historians" payed by the turkish
fascistic state. They represent turkey's known habit of distorting
historical truth by using falsified historical accounts.

In the German language the old word to "türken" (to turkify) means "to
2003-12-16 18:18:06 UTC
Read the full text of the Resolution of the US House of Represantative:

2003-12-18 19:26:26 UTC
Any legislative organization of any country (like the U.S.A. House of
Representatives or Senate) legally is not authorized "passing judgment
on this (or any other) history through legislation", nor is it
intelletually an expert of. Not only that, the US House of
Representatives was also very irrisponsible and arrogant in doing so.

Therefore, the US House of Representatives grossly exceeded its limits
(both legal and historical expertise) as an legislative body, and
produced a resolution with full of "inaccuracies that are present in
the text of this resolution (as indicated in the report).)

The report itself says "The statements in this resolution go beyond
the factual evidence in terms of the role of the Ottoman government in
perpetrating the atrocities that were committed... the statements in
the resolution do go beyond the historical evidence of Ottoman
involvement. The Ottoman government was weak and ineffectual and in
the process of collapse at the time of these tragic events, but there
are clear indications that the government itself did not order or
instigate them."

The report goes on to add the following:

"On July 13, 1921, the British Embassy in Washington sent a diplomatic
message to the Secretary of State of the British Foreign Office in
London. The British had detained Ottoman officials in Malta and were
considering placing them on trial "in connection with the Armenian
massacres." The British government requested access to diplomatic
reports from American consular officials in the Ottoman Empire at the
time of the atrocities against Armenia. The U.S. Department of State
made available to the British government those reports which the
Department judged the most useful in providing evidence of Ottoman
officials inciting the violence against Armenians. After examining the
most detailed and specific of the material in the State Department
files, the British Embassy in Washington informed Lord Curzon, the
British Secretary of State, that "there was nothing there which could
be used as evidence against the Turks who are being detained for trial
at Malta. The reports, seen, while furnishing full accounts of the
atrocities committed, made mention, however, of only two names of the
Turkish officials (actually Ottoman officials - Turkish
goverment/state was not established yet) in question * * * and in
these cases were confined to personal opinions of these officials on
the part of the writer, not concrete facts being given which could
constitute satisfactory incriminating evidence." (Dispatch Number 722,
July 13, 1921, from R.C. Craigie, British Embassy at Washington, to
the Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Secretary of State, Foreign Office,

While the resolution is genereous in mentioning "the Armenian people
endured horrible massacres and suffering during the First World War",
it delibarately fails to acknowledge that the Turkish people of
Ottoman Empire endured similar if not worse horrible massacres and
suffering in the hands of Armenian terrorists organizations (such as
Hinchak, Tashnak and others) during the same First World War with the
direct and full support of the victors of WWI (that includes the
U.S.A.) and Czarist Russia.

So, the US House of Representatives as an legislative body grossly
exceeded its limits, both legal and intellectual, and produced a
resolution with full of "inaccuracies that are present in the text of
this resolution (as indicated in the report) by which its Armenian
pushers (the actual descendents of the members of Armenian Hinchak,
Tashnak and other terrorist organizations who massared countless
number of totally innocent and defenceless fellow Turkish subject of
Ottoman Empire) are proud of.

The same descendants of the Armenian terrorist organizations managed
to get similarly resolutions through the legislative bodies of some
other states besides the U.S.A.

This is the ultimate master-piece of fabrication of Armenian terrorist
organizations and a conjob. They want to achieve with such
resolutions, which are totally based on "inaccuracies", what they
failed in the killing fields of Anatolia with the direct and full
support of the victors of WWI and Czarist Russia.
2003-12-18 20:29:27 UTC
faulty nutter belongs to a turkish fascistic propaganda gang that spreads
lies on usenet about countries like Greece, Armenia, Kurdistan, Europe.
His turkish propaganda is based on fascistic Kemalist revisionism. The
articles he posts are mostly made up by "historians" paid by the turkish
fascistic state. They represent turkey's known habit of distorting
historical truth by using falsified historical accounts.

In the German language the old word to "türken" (to turkify) means "to
2003-12-18 23:15:45 UTC
" PERFECTLY USELESS." _ Horatio Nelson, British Fleet Commander, 1805

How humiliating for a nation. A PERFECTLY disliked people even that far

2003-12-19 19:35:54 UTC
You are a lowest of the low and a thug of anti-Turkish hatred industry.
2003-12-20 19:49:31 UTC
And you are 58 years old boy scout with male hormone imbalance, and your
father wears false eyelashes. So there.


2003-12-20 18:18:18 UTC

Continue reading on narkive: